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This site incorporates the three areas of my work: art, community art facilitation, and herbalism. I’ve been an artist for more than four decades and a gardener for at least that long. Today I offer services in all three areas. 


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In my 40 years of producing studio art, I work with media that are both traditional and experimental, often incorporating recycled or found objects, and natural plant materials. In the studio, this work has spanned painting, mixed media printmaking, paper making, textiles, installations and sculpture. 


I have exhibited throughout the US and internationally in small museums, in galleries, and online.


Creative Solutions for Organizational Challenges

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 Highlander, Maryland leadership team visioning a workshop series

When I am working in community I endeavor to combine multiple elements of my skill set. These include visual art, teaching artist, curator, researcher, lecturer, writer, and organizer.            


I, together with community stakeholders and project participants, engage in creative collaboration to identify common social and cultural goals and turn their ideas into practical action toward solutions. 


Together, we conceive, design, and implement public art projects in diverse public settings that are representative of their vision and are placemaking cornerstones for the community.


Artist As Activist

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Some of the best work has been created in collaboration with organizations that are fighting the good fight. Workshops where collaborators paint signs, posters and banners for protest marches are often jumping off points for the events themselves.

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Seasonal Herbs for Culinary and Medicinal Use

Grown, packaged, and processed with sustainability top of  mind. Taking orders now for the limited-edition 2020 Winter Wellness Basket!

In the winter of 2020 I am blending my 40-year career as an artist with my lifelong love of herb gardening to offer a seasonal service that my friends and fans have long clamored for. 


Introducing Auntie Caryl’s Art & Herbs Kits, seasonal packages of herbal goodness along with small pieces of original art. 


My Gratitude Garden in Clinton, Maryland has been a kitchen garden since 2004 and a Medicinal Herb garden since 2010. I have served family and friends for many years with herbal tinctures, teas, and tonics - as well as dream pillows and other gifts of smell that also have therapeutic properties. Now I will serve you as well!



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