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What's New Around Here?!

The Winter Wellness Sampler Kits are here!

Gratitude Garden

Auntie Caryl’s lets me continue sharing my art with you -- as well as sharing the abundance of herbs and love that has emerged from me during this time of being in strong relationship with nature and HER HEALING and BALANCING energy.

Gratitude Garden 2021 is in its Fall stage as I write this! Abundance is everywhere!

Yet, as you may know, I was supposed to travel to Cape Coast Ghana in July (we have rescheduled for 2022). Therefore, I had not planted a lot of Summer crops.

As it became apparent that traveling that far from home at this time did not feel right, I was able to plant a few goodies. These new plants, in addition to the garden’s perennials, are my joy in 2021.

Despite not having planned a large crop this summer, Fall harvesting is still an everyday activity these last few weeks. It has kept me busy picking, cleaning, and drying herbs, and making tinctures, teas, and seasonings.

So far so very good, as this creative time has yielded new herbal combinations and delicious recipes!

The magic of Gratitude Garden is that I can help you combine the intriguing flavors and aromas of plants and also receive many medicinal benefits.

One great example is our Hibiscus Mint Cold Brew.- which also tastes amazing hot! The herbal blend is delightfully refreshing for summer -- and warming in the winter. Also, great for digestion, contains antioxidants, and is full of vitamin A in support of good eye health! Properties that help us all year round. Here's what's in it:

  • Chocolate Mint

  • Pineapple Mint

  • Cleome

  • Sage

  • Bitter Melon

  • Borage




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